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National Meeting on "RADON rischio geologico – dalla terra un pericolo invisibile per la salute: quanti lo conoscono?”

October 26th 2018 at CNR in the P.le Aldo Moro in Rome, Prof. Salvatore Lombardi presented the Project Life Respire during a national conference organized by the National Council of the Geologists on the risk of the Radon Indoor and on the problems connected to it.  During the conference, a position paper from geologist’s community has been presented. With this document, making reference to the Directive EURATOM 59 of December 2013, that determined the condition of a revision of the previous legislation of this topic, the community wants to highlight some criticisms, so that the dedicated Authorities can use them at the receiving of the new European directive. Professor Lombardi underlines the monitoring and remediation actions that characterise the Respire Project, and interacts with numerous employees and professionals.

the presentation is available in the download session.